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Communication: Adaptation Plan - Goals and Adaptation Strategies

These are the goals and adaptation strategies demanded through the community workshops used to develop the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Navajo Nation.

Ensure the Safety and the Well-being of the Communities During Climate Change and Establish a Long-term Plan

To accomplish safety and well-being of the Navajo communities, there needs to be an improvement of communication by holding all departments and the council accountable. This also includes improving communication between officials and directors. This upgrade in communication also includes the idea of hiring a receptionist who is fluent in both Navajo and English. Also, community members want to see evaluations and/or hold all stipends. This will all be easier if there is a shorter time frame for the paperwork process, which includes all documents sent to Window Rock, AZ. This can be accomplished by providing direct line of responses, digitizing paperwork, updating material, and creating a new database and office for each agency.

Inform and Direct Communities While Also Establishing Strong Communication and Emergency Management

The community leaders' workshops decided that the Navajo Nation should pursue the establishing of T.V. and news stations which are specific to the Navajo Nation's concerns and resources. This would be easier and more accessible through collaboration with local news channels. Along with news there could also be a digital series regarding natural resources partnering with local colleges. The ultimate goal of our digital media goals would be to create a short film or documentary entirely in Navajo.

Develop Strong Interdepartmental Communication

This goal would be appointed to the Climate Change Program to develop community engagement strategies. This would include engaging with the communities through the Navajo Department of Fish and Wildlife’s website, news media, informational booths, presentations, posters, and diagrams.


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