The Navajo Nation is currently working to adapt to climate change and the impacts it imposes on the Navajo Nation's people, traditions, culture, ecosystem, livestock, and wildlife.
Navajo people are witnessing the changes that are currently occurring on their homelands. Planning for the risks climate change has on the natural environment will make the Navajo people and their culture more resilient.

Contact Us

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday (8am - 5pm)
Main Office Phone: (928) 871-6450
Nekai Eversole: (928) 871-6447
Keith Howard: (928) 871-6591
Carl Tayah-Yazzie: (928) 871-6560
Shundiin Livingston: (928) 871-6498
Howard Leonard Jr: (928) 871-6498
Kyle Yazzie: (928) 871-6467​​
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Submit form below

Address: Indian Route 100, 1 Morgan Blvd, Building 2458, Window Rock, AZ 86515